As we walk towards an equitable world, it is crucial to critically examine outdated stereotypes perpetuated by our educational materials. The inclusion of a connection between body hair and masculinity in the ICSE biology textbook sheds light on the need to challenge biases and celebrate the beauty found within the natural diversity of our bodies.
In a world where we strive for progress and equality, it is disheartening to see outdated stereotypes being reinforced—not only in society but also within the pages of our textbooks. The ICSE grade 10 biology textbook propagates the notion that hormonal imbalances lead to increased body hair, suggesting a connection between masculinity and body hair.

This incident highlights the need for us to critically examine the messages we convey through educational materials and challenge the biases that hinder our progress towards a more inclusive society.
Let's address the elephant in the room: body hair. For centuries, hairiness has been associated with masculinity giving birth to the notion that a hairless body is the epitome of femininity.
This idea, perpetuated by society, has resulted in countless women investing in razors and going through the painful, and often expensive, procedures of waxing and laser hair removal. But does science support this stereotype?

The suggested link between hormonal imbalance, 'excessive’ hairiness, and masculinity is, at best, a half-truth. While it is true that hormones play a significant role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as body hair, it is a gross oversimplification to claim that more hair equals more masculinity. Last time I checked, having a hairy back didn’t give someone an instant PhD in machismo.

In reality, the presence or absence of body hair is influenced by a complex interplay of genetics, hormones and environmental factors. Disorders like hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or other genetic conditions can cause excessive body hair in both men and women. These conditions have no correlation to a person's level of masculinity or femininity. So, let’s not rush to judgment based solely on appearances.
Yet, here we are, with a textbook suggesting that hairiness is inherently linked to masculinity. What does this say about our society's deeply ingrained stereotypes? It reinforces the idea that women should be hairless creatures, forever locked in a battle against their own bodies. It perpetuates the myth that anybody deviating from the hairless ideal is unnatural or somehow inferior.
A Missed opportunity
The authors could have turned the situation upside-down and made it encouraging, and inclusive, with a pinch of self-love and acceptance by shattering the stereotype, but they chose not to. This might seem harmless but it is not. The act of titling a paragraph "He or She? ” creates an implication in the reader’s mind that a woman with body hair is undesirable, or perhaps not feminine enough.
In a survey conducted by hair removal brand Nair and Kelton Global, it was found that 58% of millennials have a negative relationship with body hair. Women are cajoled into believing that not conforming to age-old societal norms would deprecate their self-worth. And today, as students, if we don’t take a stand against this we will be missing out on an opportunity, of reforming the stereotypical standards set by society ,which have unfortunately found their way to our textbooks . So let’s defy the norm and embrace the diverse tapestry of human existence: body hair, a natural part of our bodies, transcends gender boundaries.

Dear Textbook Authors,
Let’s infuse reality into our biology books, celebrating the intricacies of human biology while shunning harmful stereotypes. Instead of linking more hairiness to masculinity, let’s explore and embrace the complexities of our bodies and genetics. As students, let’s challenge the assumptions we encounter, in our textbooks and in society. Let’s question the narrative that assesses our worth based on baseless Victorian standards of beauty. Our bodies are not confined by expectations or constrained by narrow-minded stereotypes.
So, go forth and embrace your body hair, or lack thereof, as a testament to your unique self. Let's rewrite the narrative, one hairy tale at a time, and liberate ourselves from the shackles of conformity. After all, isn't it time we celebrated the beauty that lies within our natural diversity?
Written by Vedika Lohiya

This article was written as part of a 3-part series in collaboration with Project Educating the Educators. ProjectETE is a community dedicated to ensuring that curriculum textbooks are fair, accurate, and unbiased. They believe that every student deserves access to high-quality, inclusive education that reflects the diversity of their experiences and the world around them.