India's historical syllabus, trapped in a repetitive time warp, fails to capture the rich tapestry of its diverse past. Fixated on the Mughal rule, British invasion, and the Freedom Fight, it overlooks the mesmerizing tales of commoners, the splendor of architectural wonders, and the intricacies of the nation's economic and cultural fabric. A revamp is long overdue.
India, an awe-inspiring tapestry interwoven with the drape of time, reverberates with the ascent and descent of majestic empires, the symphony of architectural marvels, and the kaleidoscope of a vibrant and multifarious culture. Alas, it is a lamentable veracity that the historical syllabus in India, caught in the clutches of repetition, fixates on the Mughal dominion, the British incursion, and the Freedom Fight. Don’t get me wrong, these are pivotal points in Indian history and must be studied, but how many times?
This myopic educational prism, revolving around Delhi-centric narratives, regrettably eclipses vital facets such as local stories, the exquisite intricacies of architectural styles, the economic tides that ebbed and flowed, the narratives of the commoners, and the vibrant cultural tapestry that collectively embodies India's enthralling history. It is high time we reevaluate and revamp our history education to provide a more comprehensive understanding of our past.
The current historical curriculum in India seems to be trapped in an endless loop of repetitiveness. It repetitively imparts knowledge about the Mughal era during the 7th, 9th, and 11th grades, while the struggle for independence dominates the syllabus for the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades. Consequently, students find themselves wandering through a repetitive maze for three long years. Such redundancy denies room for exploration of the myriad historical periods and regional perspectives that have shaped India's heritage.

Indian architecture stands as a testament to the boundless talents, virtuosity, and innovation of its creators across the annals of time. From the magnificent temples of South India to the awe-inspiring forts and palaces of Rajasthan, every region boasts its architectural wonders. Paradoxically, these architectural wonders find themselves within the cramped confines of the history syllabus. The incorporation of such magnificence would not merely serve as a showcase of India's unparalleled architectural heritage but would also instill a profound appreciation for the diverse styles, techniques, and cross-pollination of influences that have left an indelible imprint on our built environment.
Furthermore, history should not be viewed solely through the prism of emperors and conquerors. The tales of ordinary folks, their trials and tribulations, and their contributions have indubitably shaped the socio-cultural fabric of India. By delving into the stories of farmers, artisans, traders, and marginalized communities, students can gain a more holistic understanding of India's history and appreciate the collective efforts that have shaped our society.

India's economic structure is intricately interlaced with threads of trade, commerce, and entrepreneurship—a saga spanning centuries. Ancient India was renowned for its robust trading networks that stretched across land and sea, connecting civilizations and enabling the exchange of ideas, goods, and technologies. Understanding the bedrock of our economic past enables students to appreciate the historical significance of trade and commerce
The chronically stagnant historical curriculum in India demands an urgent change. We need to include the lesser-explored regional narratives, architectural masterpieces that stir the soul, tales of unsung heroes from diverse walks of life, economic sagas that weave intricate patterns, and the colorful tapestry of cultural expressions.
Written by Prishita Dharampal

This article was written as part of a 3-part series in collaboration with Project Educating the Educators. ProjectETE is a community dedicated to ensuring that curriculum textbooks are fair, accurate, and unbiased. They believe that every student deserves access to high-quality, inclusive education that reflects the diversity of their experiences and the world around them.