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  • Writer's pictureNivrrithi Arvindkumar

Dear Future College Student...

The start of high school feels like it just happened, but here I am, a ninth grader, already looking ahead and thinking about you—an eleventh grader on the brink of your next big adventure. It’s hard not to imagine what your days are like right now.

I picture you buried in textbooks and notes, a determined look in your eyes as you tackle your homework late into the night. Maybe you’re at your desk, the soft glow of a lamp illuminating your face, casting shadows on the walls filled with motivational posters and a calendar crammed with deadlines. Your phone buzzes with messages from friends who, like you, are trying to juggle the whirlwind of school, extracurriculars, and perhaps a part-time job. I can almost see the pile of college brochures and SAT prep books stacked high on your bedside table, a constant reminder of the future you’re striving for.

I imagine your emotions are a mixed bag—sometimes excitement surges through you at the thought of college life and the freedom it promises. Other times, worry knots your stomach as you think about applications, essays, and those all-important test scores. It must be a balancing act, managing the weight of expectations from teachers, parents, and most of all, yourself.

From my vantage point, you’re nothing short of a hero. I see you getting up early, sometimes before the sun, to squeeze in a study session or attend a club meeting. I see the way you focus in class, asking thoughtful questions, and helping others understand tough concepts. You’re preparing for your future while still making the most of your present—going to football games, laughing with friends, and maybe even finding time for a hobby or two.

People say junior year is the hardest, a marathon of tests, projects, and college preparations. Yet, you’re powering through, day by day, inching closer to your dreams. Your journey is a testament to perseverance and dedication. Watching you manage everything with such resilience and grace makes me believe that when my turn comes, I’ll be able to handle it too. You’re charting a course, and I’m grateful to have such a strong example to follow.

So, keep pushing forward. Even on the days when it feels overwhelming, know that every step you take is a victory. You’ve come so far, and you’re capable of achieving so much more. I’m cheering you on, inspired by your journey, and excited to see all the incredible things you’ll accomplish.

Best of luck,


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