Our Story
"In late 2019, when massive protests and communal riots erupted in New Delhi, over the CAA/NRC Bill, the news became a battle ground too. I struggled to digest hateful propaganda being shared as news, Whatsapp ‘news’ forwards that peddled lies and news that left me feeling hopeless.
But what truly scared me was that my students were consuming the same news and possibly feeling the same way too. They trusted newspapers without question and narrated problematic WhatsApp forwards as the truth.
When I as an adult - found the news unpalatable and causing more harm than good, I couldn’t in good conscience direct my students to this distressing source of (often false) information. That’s when I knew that I wanted to work towards developing resources for students to become responsible consumers and creators of of media."
Founder , Via News Didi
Why media literacy?
Does the news sometimes makes you go like this - 🙈 ?
Do you question “whatsapp forwards” or wonder if social media is the right place to find facts?
Do you wish you could write stories and use your voice for social impact?
Do want to learn how to create newsletters, podcasts and more?
Well, you're not alone.
Fake news has real consequences
India has more fake news than any other country in the world
Stanford researchers evaluated students' ability to assess information sources and described the results as "dismaying," "bleak" and "[a] threat to democracy."
Mental Health Concerns
Excess consumption of stressful, negative and sometimes even violent information can lead to elevated stress, anxiety and changes in mood and behaviour

Much like the air we breathe, the information we consume is becoming increasingly polluted.
But, we're on a mission to fix it !
(Information pollution, not air quality)
Say hello to our Re-Imagining Media program
where we empower students to become responsible consumers and innovative creators of media,
for a better tomorrow!​
Here's what students can accomplish with media literacy skills :
Create content for change
Media literate students can communicate effectively and create digital content like newsletters, blogs and social media posts to spread awareness or advocate for a cause they believe in!
​ Become skilled for the workforce
Media literacy helps students to prepare for success in the workforce. Media literacy skills give students the tools to succeed in a variety of careers, from journalism to marketing and public relations.
Become informed decision makers and strengthen democracy
Media literacy allows students to critically analyze the information they receive from various sources, including social media, news outlets, and advertisements.
Media literate students can identify and source reliable, balanced information and make informed choices.
Develop healthy digital habits
With media literacy students can make more conscious choices about the media they consume and the messages they internalize.
This can help them to develop healthy habits and relationships with media, which is increasingly important in an age where we spend so much time online.
(A study conducted by the Internet and Mobile Association of India in 2019 found that only 22% of students surveyed had a good understanding of digital literacy concepts such as cyberbullying and online privacy)